
Gambling is a multifaceted behavior that is influenced across biological, psychological, and sociological factors. Research on at-risk and problem gambling has continued to show empirical differences between gamblers and non-gamblers across neurobiological, psychological, and sociocultural factors. While the increase in empirical evidence is encouraging, little is currently known about the extent to which clinicians can identify and/or use biological/neurological, psychological, and sociocultural factors within their own practice. Therefore, the general theme of the webinar will review biopsychosocial aspects related to at-risk and problem gambling and how clinicians can use this information in clinical practice.

  • Explain the role of bio/neurological, psychological, and sociological factors that influence at-risk and problem gambling.

  • Identify the main concepts within a biopsychosocial treatment model for problem gambling.

  • Describe ways to use aspects of biopsychosocial factors within clinical practice for treatment of problem gambling.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    The Bio-Psycho-Social of Gambling Webinar Series

    • Welcome to the Gambling Disorder Webinar Series

    • About this Webinar : Biopsychosocial Approach

    • Meet the Presenters

    • Tell Us More About You (for Licensure/Certification)

    • The Gambling Disorder Treatment Handbook: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals

    • Stay Connected: Join our mailing list

    • About CEs and Licensure

    • Handouts for this webinar

    • Have Questions? Comments?

  • 2


    • Webinar Objectives

    • The Bio-Psycho-Social of Gambling

    • Reminder about CEs and Licensure

  • 3


    • Post-Test

    • Evaluation