
This webinar focuses on financial planning and related aspects so important when it comes to treatment for problem gamblers. The webinar will focus on how to incorporate various financial interventions, such as budgets and financial restitution plans, involving families into financial interventions, and using technology to make things easy for clients and their families. We will also highlight how to use basic tools such as excel spreadsheets to develop and monitor financial budgets and financial restitution plans. Clinicians also learn how to begin to teach ‘financial literacy’ and the meaning of money to their clients with gambling disorders.

  • Learn how to Integrate client finances into therapy, early and often.

  • Develop Financial Protection Strategies for individuals with gambling disorder and their loved ones.

  • Develop financial budgets & restitution plans for clients while in treatment

  • Learn about Financial tools that can help or hinder teaching financial literacy.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Finances and Gambling Webinar Series

    • Welcome to the Gambling Disorder Webinar Series

    • About this Webinar : Finances and Problem Gambling

    • Meet the Presenters

    • Tell Us More About You (for Licensure/Certification)

    • The Gambling Disorder Treatment Handbook: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals

    • Stay Connected: Join our mailing list

    • About CEs and Licensure

    • Handouts for this webinar

    • Have Questions? Comments?

    • Terms and Product Links

  • 2


    • Webinar Objectives

    • Finances and Gambling

    • Reminder about CEs and Licensure

  • 3


    • Post-Test

    • Evaluation