Course Overview

This series of webinars provides you with the required and IGCCB-approved 30 hours that you need for certification or recertification.

  • Once you complete the necessary supervised hours and have passed the exam, you will be certified as an ICGC -I counselor (International Certified Gambling Counselor).

  • To maintain these credentials, you will need to comply with IGCCB’s recertification. Counselors must be recertified every 3 years through evidence of 60 hours of approved non-repetitive continuing education, 30 of which must be gambling or gaming specific IGCCB approved hours. See additional information at

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Getting Started

    • The Gambling Disorder Treatment Webinar Series (30 hr)

    • Meet the Presenters

    • Tell Us More About You (for Licensure/Certification)

    • The Gambling Disorder Treatment Handbook: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals

    • Have Questions? Comments?

  • 2

    Module 1: Introduction to Gambling

    • Handouts for this webinar

    • Webinar Objectives

    • Introduction to Gambling Disorders

    • Post-Test

  • 3

    Module 2: Screens and Assessments

    • About this Course : Screens and Assessments for Gambling Disorders

    • Handouts for this webinar

    • List of Screens and Assessments in the course

    • Screens and Assessments

    • Complete at least 3 Assessments

    • Post-Test

  • 4

    Module 3: Bio-Psycho-Social of Gambling

    • Handouts for this webinar

    • Webinar Objectives

    • The Bio-Psycho-Social of Gambling

    • Post-Test

  • 5

    Module 4: The Legal System and Gambling

    • Handouts for this webinar

    • Webinar Objectives

    • The Legal System and Gambling

    • Post-Test

  • 6

    Module 5: Gambling-Motivated Crime

    • Handouts for this webinar

    • Webinar Objectives

    • Gambling-Motivated Crime

    • Post-Test

  • 7

    Module 6: Finances and Gambling

    • Handouts for this webinar

    • Webinar Objectives

    • Finances and Gambling

    • Post-Test

  • 8

    Module 7: Self-Help and Gambling

    • Handouts for this webinar

    • Webinar Objectives

    • Self-Help and Gambling

    • Post-Test

  • 9

    Module 8: Harm Reduction Applied Across the Continuum

    • Handouts for this webinar

    • Terms and Product Links

    • Harm Reduction: Webinar Objectives

    • Harm Reduction

    • Post-Test

  • 10

    Module 9: ACT for Gambling

    • Handouts for this webinar

    • Webinar Objectives

    • ACT for Problem Gambling : Part 1

    • ACT for Problem Gambling: Part 2

    • Post-Test

  • 11

    Module 10: Technology, Providers, and Gambling Treatment

    • Handouts for this webinar

    • Terms and Product Links

    • Webinar Objectives

    • Technology - Part 1

    • Technology - Part 2

    • Post-Test

  • 12

    Module 11: Older Adults and Gambling

    • Handouts for this webinar

    • Webinar Objectives

    • Older Adults - Part 1

    • Older Adults - Part 2

    • Post-Test

  • 13

    Module 12: Suicide and Problem Gambling

    • Handouts for this webinar

    • Webinar Objectives

    • Suicide and Problem Gambling

    • Post-Test

  • 14

    Module 13: Athletes and Problem Gambling

    • Handouts for this webinar

    • Webinar Objectives

    • Part 1: Problem Gambling and At-Risk Behaviors Amongst Athletes

    • Part I: Videos

    • Part I: Video Questions

    • Part 2: Athletes and Gambling

    • Part 3: Treating Sports Betting - A Clinical Approach

    • Post-Test

  • 15

    Module 14: Women and Problem Gambling

    • Handouts for this webinar

    • Resources discussed in the webinar

    • Webinar Objectives

    • Women and Problem Gambling - Research Review

    • Women sharing lived experience

    • Reflection

    • Post-Test

  • 16

    Module 15: Family and Problem Gambling

    • Handouts for this webinar

    • Webinar Objectives

    • Families and problem gambling treatment

    • Reflection

    • Post-Test

  • 17

    Module 16: Gambling and Gaming - The Convergence

    • Handouts for this webinar

    • Webinar Objectives: Gambling and Gaming

    • Gambling and Gaming

    • Post-Test

  • 18


    • Evaluation

    • Next Steps

Enroll in the Gambling Disorder Treatment Webinar Series

$449 | 30 Hours